
  •  The Socket is not in constant contact with the drawbar, the socket is pull away from the drawbar to a “ park “ position when it not being used, the air cylinder and spring engage and disengage unit from the drawbar, the advantages of this is the unit is not constantly rotating internally with the spindle like others, so spindle is protected thus milling precision .
  • No need of special drawbar usually in special forms like others. This means it can be easily installed into any milling machine as long as it use original hexagon head drawbar and much easy to maintain since no need to purchase special drawbar when the draw bar wears down.

  • Our power drawbar use nickel-chrome tungsten alloy steel & stainless steel to ensure heavy duty industry use and is designed for superior torque power. Patent special barrier mount system ensures release of collect after heavy duty milling.
  • Universal so it can fits on milling machine from R8, NT30 to NT40 with complete socket sizes from 14, 17. 21, 22, 23, 26 etc . Automation.

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